Fun with The Torchlighters: Corrie ten Boom
In March, The Torchlighters Tournament 2021 took place. After weeks of voting and narrowing down the competition from 20 to the final 2, Corrie ten Boom was awarded the title of The Torchlighter Tournament Champion. Continue to learn about Corrie ten Boom and her devotion to God with these fun coloring activities and watch Corrie ten Boom's story on Redeem TV!
Watch The Corrie ten Boom Story on Redeem TV
Before the war, the ten Boom family owned a clock shop where they would sell and fix clocks.

When the Nazis began taking power, Corrie and her family decided to help the Jewish people by hiding them in their house. Though they only could offer a small area, the ten Boom's hid as many people as they could.

One night, the Nazis raided the ten Boom house and sent Corrie and her family away to concentration camps. However, the hidden Jews remained undiscovered.

In the concentration camp they lived in poor conditions and were not treated well, but Corrie remained faithful to God. She and her sister, Betsie, even spread hope to the others in the camp by reminding them of God's love. Corrie survived the concentration camp and continued to spread hope and the good news of God's love.